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Foreign Language Education & Research

Aug 30, 2023 

Foreign Language Education & Research

Foreign Language Education & Research isan academicjournal, established in October 2013. It is openly issued in China under the supervision of Dalian University of Technology and is sponsored by DUT Press. It has been awarded the title of “The Most Popular Journal in Education” in 2018 and 2021 from the National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation. The aim of this journal is to provide a reference for the teaching and research of foreign language teachers by publishing outstanding research results of foreign language education theory and practice of scholars at home and abroad.

The journalhas four maincolumns: foreign language theory and teaching practice research, foreign literature theory and teaching practice research, foreign culture theory and teaching research, and foreign translation theory and teaching practice research. In addition to these sections, the journal also includes interviews with renowned scholars, articles on current issues in foreign language education research and practice, and discussions on topics such as world-class course construction, ideological and political education, etc., all of which are aligned with relevant national policies and guidelines.
